Where is the secret to longevity?
This is a question that we have all asked ourselves at some time in life and for which there is no resounding answer, although there are very important keys.
Genetics are an important factor in determining life expectancy. But science has found that other factors such as lifestyle and nutrition play an equal or more determining role in the years that each one gets to live.
Combining a healthy and balanced diet together with a less stressful and more leisurely lifestyle also plays an important role.
We cannot stop time but we can live in harmony with it and with the age we are at each moment, enjoying the best of each era.
This article from La Vanguardia gives us some tips to live longer and better:
This article from La Vanguardia gives us some tips to live longer and better: https://www.lavanguardia.com/comer/tendencias/20210203/6216247/como-deberiamos-comer-vivir-mas-mejor.html