How to Live Longer and Feel Better
Where is the secret to longevity? This is a question that we have all asked ourselves at some time in life and for which there is no resounding answer, although there are very important keys.
Dental esthetics and oral health-related quality of life
Not surprisingly, the World Health Organization (WHO) defines health as: "a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not only the absence of diseases or illnesses."
Vitamin D and your health
Our body needs vitamins to grow and function normally. Among all of them, vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium, one of the main elements that make up the bones. In addition, it plays an important role in the nervous,
Radio Frequency: The Non-Invasive Alternative to a Face Lift
Radiofrequency aesthetic treatment consists of the application of high frequency electromagnetic waves on the skin. In this way, a controlled heating of the different layers of the dermis is carried out and the formation of new collagen, lymphatic drainage, circulation
What Are Micronutrients and Why Do You Need Them?
Micronutrients are a series of essential elements that all living beings, including humans, need throughout life, in small amounts, to perform a series of metabolic and physiological functions that allow us to stay healthy.
The Importance of Taking Care of the Environment
More than 7.7 billion people live on planet Earth and this number will continue to increase in the coming years. Therefore, taking care of the land that shelters us, of our home, is essential to be able to live in
Live in harmony
Each of us is the perfect balance between how we live, what we eat, the environment we interact with on a daily basis and how we take care of ourselves, inside and out.
Improve your health with simple hypopressive exercises
Listening to our body and taking care of it conscientiously is essential to be able to enjoy a full life and healthy aging. One of the workouts that offer the greatest benefits are hypopressive exercises.
Do you know what Bike Fitting is?
If you are passionate about cycling, surely you have ever heard the word “Bike Fitting” but if not, it is time to get down to work and give the pedals a chance. Cycling is a great sport to keep fit
Benefits of sports physiotherapy
Mental and physical health go hand in hand, and while we often separate the two, they really go hand in hand: poor physical health can increase the risk of developing mental health problems, just as poor mental health can negatively